
Our use of Applied Kinesiology muscle testing, functional lab work, and cutting-edge technology takes out the guess-work so we can go beyond just managing your symptoms and get to the root cause.


No "cookie-cutter" protocols here. Our individually tailored, whole-person approach helps release the innate ability of the body to heal by using neurologically-based chiropractic.


Our goal is to empower you to be Fully Alive, so we continually provide education and support for maintaining your new standard of health.

Fully Alive Integrative Health

Our Mission: “To empower people to live Fully Alive by releasing the innate ability of the body to heal and thrive.”

Our prayer is that the healing that takes place through Fully Alive Integrative Health would ultimately point people to Jesus Christ, the true Healer and only source of a Fully Alive life. Although we currently live in a broken world with pain and disease, one day Jesus will make all things new! Our prayer is that you come to know Him and encounter His healing work in your life.

Core Values:

  • Hope
  • Connection
  • Customization
  • Excellence
  • Empowerment


With our unique style of care, we have many tools to help you and your family achieve wellness.
Our goal is to help your body heal, as God designed it to. 



Health is about discovering what your stressors are, and then improving your
nervous system’s response to those stressors.


The Root Cause Stress. That dreaded “S” word. Americans are the most stressed-out people on the planet. Our schedules are packed-full, our …

As more and more people become jaded by pharmaceutical drugs, (medical error is now the #3 killer, according to the British Medical …

Answering the Yearly Questions Fall kicks off the beginning of “flu season”.  I’ve had many patients ask me my opinion on the …